Larra Overton | Emmy Award Winning Sports Anchor | Reporter | Journalist

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Gotta Start Somewhere

I’ve had the intention of doing this for much longer than I’d like to admit. There were a ton of questions (nice way to say “excuses”) – EVERYONE has a blog, why would anyone read mine? What do I have to say that anyone wants to pay attention to? How do I have time to add another commitment? I already have all the social media channels, what makes this any different?

When I finally got really honest above waffling on doing something that I’d long had the desire to do, it all came down to I WANT to do it. Writing is my first love within communication. Honestly. Whether anyone reads it or not, I decided to share aspects of my life – not all work, not all style and fitness and hobbies and vacations – just to connect first with a love I had long neglected.

Because of my job(s), I connect so often with aspiring journalists or career-driven millennials who always inspire me with their talent and their drive. When they ask for advice or look for suggestions, I am first always flattered, and then I quickly also realize that many of them have the same questions or are looking for the same feedback.

So, while I will share what projects I am focused on and my latest work, this will also be a resource. I will share things for those diligent young reporters looking to figure out how to afford your on-air wardrobe on that first TV market budget. Tricks of transitioning from transitioning from being in the field to being in the studio within a single day. How to network and where to seek (and where not to seek) feedback. I plan to also share challenges, failures and struggles (because let’s be honest, it’s not all Instagram filters and edited standups). I’ll balance it out with my favorite things outside of work, workouts, wedding planning and of course, the pup.

After spending more than a decade in media, I still have no idea how to navigate (let alone master) this avenue, but I am excited to learn and evolve. Now, tell me what you want to see, so that somebody is holding me accountable! Because now I have thrown it out there, so let’s see where this goes.
